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by Sarah Isbell - Poet, Author, Writer, Journalist, Photographer

Pieces of Humboldt:

A Humboldt Collective Art Project

by Sarah Isbell

"Humboldt County, on the Northern Coast of California, is truly one of the most scenic places on earth. Pieces of Humboldt is a stunning collection of exquisitely beautiful photography and spirit-nurturing poetry about our home. The artists, poets, and photographers who have contributed to this work all live and work in or have deep
connections to Humboldt as the natives call this magnificent coastal mountain landscape. Inside, breathtaking scenic photography and an imaginative poetic ride await." (B&W photography edition).

Available in Paperback: $13.99 (very soon!)

or as an Ebook download (now!): $10.99

The Broken Whale

​by Sarah Isbell


Do you live to eat poems in your mouth too? In The Broken Whale, Sarah E. Isbell sets forth a stunning collection of poetry and lyrical works designed to spark your curiosity and begin a thought-provoking examination of the subjects discussed with exquisitely masterful wordplay. "Poetry," as the author explains, "is a vehicle for self-exploration, to gather wisdom and further our imaginations, while humor provides an antidote to the stress in our lives. Poetry is not the truth, but we can see the truth of our reflection in it, if done well. The same pool of vision can also provide a reflection of our society and culture, and the times in which the poet lives."

106 pages - $18.99 (paperback)


The Book of Green Goo:
A Lesson in Being Snotty

by Sarah Isbell


The Book of Green Goo: A Lesson in Being Snotty! is a cleverly layered Dr. Seuss-style children's book the author crafted for her own twin daughters, Abby and Bella. It is a lesson in being caring and compassionate, not panicking and letting fear-filled imagination run wild, but instead remaining calm and using your brain to discover good fact-based solutions to overcome danger. And, on another more adult level, this book is also a lesson in learning to be accepting of others who are sick, disabled, or merely different. This fun-filled fantasy tale exploring the dangers of letting one's imagination run too wild, presents an excellent opportunity for healthy family discussions about taking proper health precautions at school and at home to prevent cold/flu, finding non-fear-based solutions to serious concerns, acceptance, tolerance, compassion, and encouraging your child's development and use of an active healthy imagination.

28 pages - $10.99 (paperback)


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